
A Proven History of Successful Educational Consulting

We do our homework so you can do yours.

In the blink of an eye, your college adventure will begin. But before you pack your bags, there are many questions to consider regarding cost, location, academics, and campus culture.

Pearl Glassman Educational Counseling  has the answers. Why are we the experts? Because we tour college campuses regularly, speak often with admissions staff, faculty, and students, attend professional conferences, and study the most up-to-date information about admissions trends, policies, and requirements, financial aid, campus culture, and academic support. Expanding and managing this depth of knowledge and experience has enabled us to shepherd hundreds of soon-to-be college success stories through the admission process.

Our plan of action is time tested and is continually tailored to meet individual needs.We are here for you and are ready to roll!


With over twenty years of independent consulting experience with Pearl Glassman Educational Counseling, more than eight years as a high school Director of Guidance counselor and partner with the College Benefits Research Group, Janet has advised both high school and college students on the intricacies and rewards of academic admissions, career identification, artistic pursuits, and athletic recruitment. She takes pride in the individuality of her students and fully supports their educational journeys.  In addition to working with clients one-on-one, Janet conducts small group seminars on the college admissions process, managing applications, college essay writing, financial aid, and interview skills. A strong proponent of equal access and opportunity for all, Janet also volunteers her time with students who are first generation and those struggling financially.

A consummate professional, Janet possesses extensive knowledge of individual schools and colleges, both nationally and internationally. Her hands-on approach and diverse expertise have enabled her to establish strong professional relationships with admissions staff and faculty throughout the United States. Janet’s academic positions as an Adjunct Professor of Marketing and eBusiness and a student advisor at Pace University, has further enhanced her understanding of college culture and priorities. 

In her free time, Janet enjoys domestic and international travel and spending time with her husband Jay and son Sean. On most weekends, you can find her in the studio practicing her martial arts skills as a 3rd degree black belt in Kung Fu and working on an additional black belt in Kenpo Karate.


With over twenty years of independent consulting experience with Pearl Glassman Educational Counseling, more than eight years as a high school Director of Guidance counselor and partner with the College Benefits Research Group, Janet has advised both high school and college students on the intricacies and rewards of academic admissions, career identification, artistic pursuits, and athletic recruitment. She takes pride in the individuality of her students and fully supports their educational journeys.  In addition to working with clients one-on-one, Janet conducts small group seminars on the college admissions process, managing applications, college essay writing, financial aid, and interview skills. A strong proponent of equal access and opportunity for all, Janet also volunteers her time with students who are first generation and those struggling financially.

A consummate professional, Janet possesses extensive knowledge of individual schools and colleges, both nationally and internationally. Her hands-on approach and diverse expertise have enabled her to establish strong professional relationships with admissions staff and faculty throughout the United States. Janet’s academic positions as an Adjunct Professor of Marketing and eBusiness and a student advisor at Pace University, has further enhanced her understanding of college culture and priorities. 

In her free time, Janet enjoys domestic and international travel and spending time with her husband Jay and son Sean. On most weekends, you can find her in the studio practicing her martial arts skills as a 3rd degree black belt in Kung Fu and working on an additional black belt in Kenpo Karate.

Consulting Credentials:

  • Master’s Degree in Business Administration
  • Certified Educational Planner
  • Certification in Educational Consulting, University of California, Irving

Professional Organizations:

  • National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC)
  • Higher Education Counselor’s Association (HECA)
  • National College Advocacy Group (NCAG)
  • Professional Membership Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA)


Prior to founding a thriving educational consulting practice, Pearl Glassman Educational Counseling, in 1984, Pearl enjoyed working with students as Director of Guidance and Chairman of Special Education in a public high school for more than 30 years. As a trailblazer within a continually evolving profession, she successfully launched the college careers of over 1,000 students. During this time, she also was a founding member and leader of the Independent Educational Consultants Association, a highly regarded, international service-oriented organization for educational and therapeutic counselors. Throughout her professional life, Pearl has conducted workshops for parents and teachers, published articles, and made numerous appearances on radio and television, speaking on educational issues. Although retired from her practice, Pearl continues to be an advisor and mentor to her daughter, Janet.


Prior to founding a thriving educational consulting practice, Pearl Glassman Educational Counseling, in 1984, Pearl enjoyed working with students as Director of Guidance and Chairman of Special Education in a public high school for more than 30 years. As a trailblazer within a continually evolving profession, she successfully launched the college careers of over 1,000 students. During this time, she also was a founding member and leader of the Independent Educational Consultants Association, a highly regarded, international service-oriented organization for educational and therapeutic counselors. Throughout her professional life, Pearl has conducted workshops for parents and teachers, published articles, and made numerous appearances on radio and television, speaking on educational issues. Although retired from her practice, Pearl continues to be an advisor and mentor to her daughter, Janet.

College Acceptances
Campuses Visited